What is the cost of living in Cyprus?

You're probably wondering how far your euros will go and how much money (if any) you'll have left after paying your expenses.

Cyprus has a cheap cost of living, with costs around 25% lower than in other northern European nations. Limassol was named one of Europe's five least costly cities. Prices have risen somewhat since the country's EU entrance, as predicted, and a poll conducted by the Cyprus Consumers' Association in 2004 revealed that prices have grown on average by 1.6% since then. 

It's tough to compute an average cost of living because your spending is determined by your circumstances and lifestyle. Shopping for expensive consumer goods like as hi-fi equipment, electronic products, laptops, and photography equipment, for example, is typically more affordable than in many other European nations, with many well-known brands accessible in shops in major cities. Your food expense, on the other hand, will vary depending on what you eat and where you lived before moving to Cyprus.

Food is less expensive than in other northern European nations, and €500 will feed two adults for a month, including (cheap) wine but eliminating luxuries such as fillet steak, caviar, and imported delicacies. Local wines and spirits are reasonably priced.

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